Friday, October 23, 2009

Blog poll!

I'm going to write at least one blog post during NaNoWriMo and count it toward my total, and I'm going to poke Liz until she does the same. Hopefully, we'll even write on the same one, so you can hear a teeny bit about our favorite exploits.
Here are your choices...
  • The England & Scotland (2007) (1 of 4 or so parts: England 1, the Hogwarts Express, Scotland, and England 2), featuring various Leaky staffers & formers
  • Release of Breaking Dawn (2008), featuring the Scribbulus gals
  • Equus (2008), featuring the Scribbulus gals
  • More on LeakyCon (2009)
Tell us in the comments - what should we gab about?


  1. I'll go for Breaking Dawn, only because I am sad I missed you in 2007 :(
